Cycling and Protecting Nature: KKL-JNF's New Volunteer Bike Patrol

The new volunteer bike patrols for the Judean Hills.
The new volunteer bike patrols for the Judean Hills.
photo: Tania Susskind.
The first KKL-JNF volunteer bike patrol gets ready to roll. A KKL-JNF initiative to involve cyclists in protecting and maintaining KKL-JNF forests and sites in the Judean Hills resulted in KKL-JNF's new volunteer bike patrol, who met for the first time and learned about KKL-JNF and their new duties.

At 6:00 in the morning on Friday, May 3, twenty-one enthusiastic and experienced cyclists met Gidi Bashan, KKL-JNF Judean Hills Forest and Community Coordinator, for an early ride through the breathtaking vistas surrounding KKL-JNF's Nes Harim Field and Forest Education Center. This was the first meeting of KKL-JNF's new volunteer Judean Hills Bike Patrol, which will be helping KKL-JNF to protect nature and maintain its forests and sites.

Read more at the KKL-JNF Site

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